New Chapter

Created by sheila 16 years ago
Bernie left a partner and five young children,the youngest fifteen weeks old at the time of his death.Bernie also had four other children.Michael now wenty one,Jenny eighteen years old.these children was to his first partner karen.They are a mirror image of their father.daniel aged eleven and Jessica thirteen years old are to his ex wife carolyn,Bernie was estranged from Daniel and Jessica it was a pity because he adored them.He had had more contact with the elder children, but the binge drinking got in the way of his contact with them.It made Bernie so sad and depressed and basicly the drinking took over his life, Bernie let happiness slip through his fingers because he could not stop drinking a sad end to a once smart honest hard working son who was good looking and enjoyed his job in the merchant navy.Iam devastated by his early death and grieving for my son.My son had to have a post mortem because he died suddenly at his home in Blackpool,cause of death was poisoning by alchol and citapram.Bernie wasnt married to his partner so I was his next of kin,Bernie died 28th April 2007 and I was not informed until 30th April 2007.I should have been told the same day,no mother should have to go through what I did It was agony nobody would tell me properly about my sons death and any questions I asked were not answered My younger son Robert and I had to wait Six months ror the inquest.We was told by the coroners office that we could ask as many questions as needed including my sons partner,but when we arrived for the inquest at Blackpool I was not allowed to question the witness as the coroner said it was not relevant,so I was not told about my sons last hours on earth,I wanted to know how my son got in the state he did and why was his drinking out of control and why was he not given any medical help for his depression,my son was allowed to suffer instead of intervention,maybe with help my son would be living today watching his kids grow up and be the father he should have been.god bless you Bernie your with your nanna and the rest of our family who will protect and love you for all eternity with God in his world. we love and miss you son.